[TASK] Add nodes as title and link to link-infobox
[BUGFIX] Update gulp-inline-source & injectFaviconMarkups
[TASK] Update packages to remove flatmap-stream
[BUGFIX] Clear link/node in sidebar destroy
[TASK] Nodejs 11 support/tests
[TASK] Avoid unnecessary loops in domain name mapping
[TYPO] Change Ghz to GHz
v11.0.0 isn't buildable anymore because of deleted build dependency
Moved form to
[TASK] Use Promises for GeoJSON
[TASK] Update packages & add SHA integrity
[TASK] Replace site with domain
[TASK] Libary updates gulp4
[TASK] Prevent XSS in tooltip
[TASK] Remove unnecessary moment
[TASK] Remove obsolete windows, rename macosx to osx
[TASK] Remove bithound
[TASK] Remove localStorage
[TASK] Add dynamic title to offline html and multiple metatags
[TASK] Add optional fullscreen mode
[TASK] Add GeoJSON support
[TASK] Improve night colors
[!!!][TASK] Indexable urls
[BUGFIX] URL router can fail at high load
[TASK] Update github issue templates
[TASK] Add nodejs 10 and remove 9 from travis
[TASK] Move to v8 promies polyfill & eslint5
[TASK] Add posibility for links DSGVO und natürlich auch andere
[TASK] Add OpenGraph, twitter card & Microdata + Favicon update
[TASK] Add simple offline service worker
[TASK] Add source/target address to link variables
[BUGFIX] Bar width max 100%
[BUGFIX] Allow negative coordinates
[BUGFIX] Correct filled loadavg bar with nproc > 1
[TASK] Show rectangle gateway in forcegraph
[TASK] Show offline nodes in forcegraph
[TASK] Upgrade to leaflet 1.3
[TASk] Upgrade to navigo 7
-branchOur test environment has now over 21500 nodes on a single map and still works
We moved the docu, website, multi and develop instance - currently no auto builds on master branch
Multiple changes on webhooks and tests like scrutinizer
THX @all active and passed contributors!
Performance improvements (critical path, avoid blocking code)
Replaced router - including language, mode, node, link, location
Leaflet upgraded to v1 - faster on mobile
Forcegraph rewrite with d3.js v4
Map layer modes (Allow to set a default layer based on time combined with a stylesheet)
Automatic updates for selected node or list (incl. image stats cache-breaker)
Node filter
Zoom level for clicking on a node (
) is definable independently from the maximum zoom level 22Formatted Code
Translation support - Help to improve or add languages at Online translation platform
Currently available: en, de, fr, cz, tk & ru
Gulp inline for some css and js - fewer requests and instant load indicator
Icon font with needed icons only
Switch to Gulp (Tested with Node.js 6 LTS, 8 on Linux, OSX & W**)
css and some js moved inline
Yarn in favour of bower
Load only moment.js without languages (Languages are included in translations)
unneeded components removed (es6-shim, tablesort, numeraljs, leaflet-providers, leaflet-label jshashes, chroma-js)
RBush v2 - performance boost in last versions (positions, labels and clients on the map)
Ruby dependency removed
FixedCenter is required
Sass-lint, scss and variables rewritten for easy customizations/adjustments
Cross browser/device support improved (THX@BrowserStack)
Yarn package manager in favour of npm
Configurable reverse geocoding server
Split clients into 2,4, 5Ghz and others
Show nexthop and gateways (IPv4/IPv6)
Dynamic node detail attributes
Config inheritance and functions
Dynamic map center (sidebar toggle)
Show connection type (icon)
^ Accessibility improvements
Few Internet Explorer 11 fixes
Necessary polyfills - no overhead
Switch to meshviewer.json - less depth, new informations
<<<<<<< Updated upstream
A lot more in the commit history
Stashed changes
Last updated
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